Learning Today,
Leading Tomorrow

Empowering Seniors to be independent, confident tech citizens

Get Started

Empower seniors to embrace technology, gracefully.

Empathic, 1:1 training, technology support when you need it.

  • Empower seniors to embrace technology for staying connected online.
  • Highlight success stories of elderly individuals using technology for communication.
  • Guide seniors through a step-by-step process of using popular online communication tools.
  • Empower senior technology enthusiasts to embrace new skills and knowledge.
  • Guide senior tech enthusiasts through a journey of tech evolution and possibilities.

Enroll yourself, don't get left behind, we are there for you !

Why Tech Svatantra?

We take the most methodical approach, making you feel at ease when working with technology. This is a forum to ask freely the most trivial question about technology, offcourse we don't judge you!.

1:1 Support

Individual attention attention ensures you learnt the craft of technology.

Digital Literacy

Be an independent tech citizen with confidence, world is running on technology.

Safety First

We educate about how to navigate your tech journey, keeping you away from pranksters